President: Nathan Snow
Vice President: Paul Suzuki
Secretary: Dave Scott
Treasurer: Emerita Sakai
Ministries Facilitator: Chad Huddleston
Membership Facilitator: Paul Ewing
Communications Facilitator: Simon Pleasants
Member-at-large: Hazel Yokota (WIM President)
Member-at-large: Brett Rayl

At the annual Plenary Council member missions elect the JEMA Leadership Team (LT), set the direction and budget for JEMA, and take reports from the executive, commissions, JEA representatives, and endorsed ministries. The LT carries out the overall leadership of JEMA, including planning and bringing proposals to the Plenary Council. Part time office administrators work under the guidance of the LT. Commissions set the direction for their own ministries, reporting to both the LT and the Plenary. JEMA representatives to various Japan Evangelical Association commissions are appointed by the LT and report to the Plenary. Endorsed ministries value their connection with JEMA. They may seek renewal of their endorsement status every three years.